Coming soon
Shamshoian, J., Senturk, D., Jeste, S., Telesca, D. “Bayesian Covariance Regression in Functional Data.”
Watson, G. L., Xiong, D., Zhang, L., Zoller, J. A., Shamshoian, J., Sundin, P., Bufford, T., Rimoin, A. W., Suchard, M. A., Ramirez, C. M. “Fusing a Bayesian Case Velocity Model with Random Forest for Predicting COVID-19 in the U.S.”
Completed research
Li, Q., Shamshoian, J., Senturk, D., Sugar, C., Jeste, S., DiStefano, C., Telesca, D. (2020). “Region-Referenced Spectral Power Dynamics of EEG Signals: A Hierarchical Modeling Approach.” Ann. Appl. Stat. 14(4).
Shamshoian, J., Senturk, D., Jeste, S., Telesca, D. (2020). “Bayesian Analysis of Longitudinal and Multidimensional Functional Data.” Biostatistics, kxaa041.
Xiong, D., Zhang, L., Watson, G. L., Sundin, P., Bufford, T., Zoller, J. A., Shamshoian, J., Suchard, M. A., Ramirez, C. M. (2020). “Pseudo-likelihood based logistic regression for estimating COVID-19 infection and case fatality rates by gender, race, and age in California.” Epidemics. 33.
Paquin, D., Sacco, D., Shamshoian, J. (2015). “An analysis of strategic treatment interruptions during imatinib treatment of chronic myelogenous leukemia with imatinib-resistant mutations.” Mathematical Biosciences. 262.